Guest blog: What’s Your Strategy for Headteacher Wellbeing?  

In this guest blog, Tim Small from Integrity Coaching outlines some questions and prompts to guide governors’ thinking and action when it comes to headteacher wellbeing. As a school governor, responsible for the strategic direction and educational and financial health of your school, how much value do you place…

Improving Staff Wellbeing through the Power of Gratitude

In this guest blog, James McLoughlin, Director at TAP (Thank And Praise) outlines how sharing messages of gratitude can help improve staff wellbeing.  We all know that school staff, in particular teachers, have one of the most stressful jobs around. We also know that teachers who work in schools where…

Is teacher workload a wellbeing issue – and how can governors help? 

Teacher workload has been a problem for years, contributing to stress and playing a role in driving people out of the profession. The pandemic has changed some workload patterns – at times even reducing it – but it’s still unclear whether any of these changes will become…

Governors for Schools and TAP partner to champion Staff Wellbeing

Governors for Schools and TAP (Thank and Praise) are joining forces to highlight the importance of school staff’s mental health and wellbeing.    TAP, the free-to-use social thanking platform, is partnering with Governors for Schools, a national education charity that finds, places, and supports skilled volunteers as governors on school…

A case for remote governance and ‘blended’ boards of governors

Editor’s note: this article is longer than our usual posts but we wanted to include a diverse set of opinions and perspectives on the concept. Remote governance, or flexi-governance, is a model of school governance that allows for at least a minority of board members to attend meetings remotely.

Staff wellbeing and parental engagement

Improving the educational and life outcomes for pupils is at the centre of a school’s purpose and drives those who work and volunteer in education. Parents of students are even more invested in ensuring their child or children are given the best possible start in life, but despite this shared…

Minimising the effects of traumatic incidents on school staff

Fortunately, highly traumatic events are not a common occurrence. But, when they do happen they can have devastating and long-term consequences for those affected. School staff are particularly vulnerable, working in stressful conditions and being exposed to a wide variety of potential sources of trauma in the school community beyond…

Embedding staff mental health and wellbeing in your school’s culture

A positive approach to staff wellbeing is a fundamental component of good leadership. However, it shouldn’t be reliant on the abilities, experience or passions of individual governors or members of a school’s leadership team. Too often, schools attempt to address this issue without long-term sustainability in mind. A change in…

Designing a staff wellbeing strategy

An effective staff wellbeing strategy is built upon the specific requirements of your staff, and the feedback gathered from surveying staff knowledge and opinion. This is the case whether your school has an existing staff wellbeing strategy that isn’t meeting your needs, or your school is looking to implement one…

Measuring Wellbeing: Mental Health Audits and Surveys

Creating an effective staff mental health and wellbeing strategy is reliant on two things: understanding the current provision, and understanding the needs and feelings of all staff members who will be relying upon it. Similarly, any changes or reviews of the strategy must take into account staff views and feedback…

Practical changes to improve staff wellbeing

Once policies have been created and wellbeing roles have been filled, there are many changes that schools can make that will have an impact on staff wellbeing. On their own, these actions may not seem particularly impactful, but combined, these small changes will demonstrate to staff that their wellbeing and…

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