Why does your school need a wellbeing governor?

Wellbeing has been a big concern in schools for a long time, but the events of the last year in particular have put mental health and wellbeing at the forefront in schools. Lockdown, grief, uncertainty, and changes to our way of life have all taken a toll on young people’s…

Improving Staff Wellbeing through the Power of Gratitude

This guest blog is written by Patrick Melville, a director at TAP (Thank and Praise) – a social thanking platform enabling parents and guardians to easily and regularly show their appreciation to school staff. Patrick is also a qualified Mental Health First Aider. We all know that school…

Implementing a consistent and fair approach to exclusion

This guest blog is written by Samira Sadeghi, Head of Academies Governance at Academies Enterprise Trust. Over the past year, we have started to rethink what ‘normal’ means, particularly in education. Reflecting back on many years advising schools on exclusions, I am struck by how ‘normal’ it was for exclusions…

Governors for Schools is partnering with the Skills Builder Partnership

As part of our continued mission to improve the services we offer, we’re partnering with the Skills Builder Partnership. The organisation is committed to helping as many people as possible develop the skills to succeed. Used by over 500 schools, 120 employer partners, and 90 impact organisations, we’ll…

What are the first steps needed to improve physical activity in schools?

Over the term, we’ll be releasing more materials outlining ways in which governors can help schools intervene and improve physical activity levels for all pupils. There are, however, baseline areas of knowledge and action that they can begin to look at and get to grips with. It’s a good idea…

Why is improving physical activity in schools so difficult?

If there are big, and largely well-known, benefits to be gained by young people being more physically active, both in and outside of school – and there are multiple ways to achieve this – then why is it so difficult to make improvements? Governors must have a firm grasp…

What comprises physical activity practice and culture in schools?

What makes physical activity practice and culture in schools may appear obvious – but actually there are a variety of ways in which a school can improve, or fail to provide, when it comes to ensuring pupils and staff are encouraged to be physically active. All schools have different circumstances,…

Why is physical activity in schools such an important wellbeing issue?

There are a variety of reasons why physical activity levels are critical to wellbeing and why that is particularly the case in schools. Failure to adequately address the issue and proactively engage with pupils not only leads to diminished attainment whilst they are in school but results in their entering…

Welcome to Term 3 of Our Wellbeing Governors Campaign: Physically Active Schools

Our year-long Wellbeing Governors campaign has spent the last two terms explaining the importance of putting mental health and wellbeing at the heart of your school’s agenda. We’ve helped equip governors with the knowledge to improve mental health and wellbeing provision at their school for both pupils and staff. In…

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