Can school governance bridge the skills gap in Wales?

The shift to remote working over the past year has been a welcome change for many, and it looks like the hybrid model of working may be here to stay – as research by McKinsey has found. Spending more time working at home also means that the skills we…

Are online meetings here to stay?

Over the last year, remote working has become the norm, and this has affected governing boards too. In a blog we wrote at the height of the pandemic, we explored whether increased remote working will affect the future of school governance. One of the key questions we asked was…

Blended careers: empowering the world of tomorrow

This guest blog is by Elizabeth Holmes of Eteach. After graduating with a degree in Politics and International Relations from the University of Reading, Elizabeth completed her PGCE at the Institute of Education, University of London. She then taught humanities and social sciences in schools in London, Oxfordshire and West…

A whole school approach to nutrition

Prior articles have briefly touched on the important role proper diet nutrition plays in the development and wellbeing of young people, and how schools can contribute toward this. It can seem, however, either impossible to make an impact on the dietary choices pupils and their families make or inappropriate to…

More than movement: enhancing and leveraging physical activity

As this term of the Wellbeing Governors campaign aims to demonstrate, the benefits of physical activity extend well beyond physical activity. But there are many ways in which those benefits can be explored, supported or heightened by pupils engaging in other positive habits or pastimes, especially when these can be…

Working with parents to improve school physical activity culture

Parents are one of the least utilised but potentially most powerful allies in improving a school’s ethos of physical activity and wellbeing. Not only are they capable of providing support for what is happening within the curriculum and on school grounds, but they are crucial when it comes to reinforcing…

An introduction to active travel and its potential in your school

Active travel is broadly any form of getting about that involves physical exertion. From simply walking through to cycling or roller skating, it stands in contrast to travel by car, train or bus. There are numerous benefits to its wider adoption, including macro social benefits such as reduced air and…

Primary PE and Sport Premium Funding

Many primary school governors will have come across the term ‘sport premium funding’ but may be unsure as to what it is and how it could and should be spent. Given how important physical activity is to wellbeing and educational success, making the most of any available funding is incredibly…

An introduction to active learning and active classrooms

There is a lot of pressure on school staff and pupils to fit as much as possible into a limited amount of time. So, it’s no surprise that sport, PE, and other forms of physical activity – even free play at break times – can have their time allocation squeezed.

Volunteers Week – Dominic McGonigal, trustee and chair of governors

Dominic McGonigal is a trustee of Governors for Schools and a chair of governors at a school in London. He shares his experiences of volunteering both as a governor and as a trustee, the time commitments the roles demand, and why being part of a board is a great thing…

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