Look forward to a ‘new normal’ and give back to schools.

Community has never been more important. The past few months have been a challenge for us all. Every one of us has been affected by the coronavirus pandemic, and while things are starting to return to some form of normality, schools are yet to face some of their biggest…

Safeguarding online – guidance from the Metropolitan Police service

Inspector Allen Davis from the Metropolitan Police Service talks about the new resource the force has created to support teachers and school staff in keeping children safe online. The Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) Guidance for Schools is a comprehensive resource that helps front line professionals in schools…

Holding effective remote governing board meetings

Denise Maloney has been part of virtual governing board meetings since before the country went into lockdown and face to face meetings were no longer possible. Denise talks about the tools she has used with her boards so all boards can make virtual meetings a success during these challenging times.

Making a difference at a special school

Ruth Boaden is a governor at Camberwell Park Specialist Support School, Manchester. Ruth shares her experiences of governing at a special school, and how she got involved. “I’m a governor at a special school in Manchester. Our pupils face a lot of challenges but the staff know the children well…

Governing in a hospital school

Lucy Goodwin is a governor at Evelina Hospital School in London. Here, she shares her experience of being on the governing board of a school that’s based in a hospital building, providing children in hospital with an excellent education.  “I’ve been a governor at Evelina hospital school for around a…

Holding governing board meetings during the coronavirus pandemic

It’s a challenging and uncertain time for schools and staff, and the children and parents they serve. The decision to close schools, either individually or on a national basis, is out of the hands of governing boards. But governors still have an important part to play, supporting senior leaders and…

How can link governors for SEND help children participate fully in school life?

Grace Maryon is a governor at Greatfields academy in Barking, London. Grace talks about her experience as a link governor, and how she helps children with SEND fully participate in the life of the school. “I’m a governor at Greatfields Academy, which is a community school that primarily serves…

Becoming a governor at a SEND school

Mark Twigg is a governor at a special school in Rotherham, South Yorkshire. He shares his experience of joining the board without any specific experience in SEND (special educational needs and disabilities) and the impact he’s had on the children and their experience of education.  “I’ve been a governor…

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