How can governors help protect LGBT pupils’ mental health & wellbeing?

This guest blog from Stonewall discusses why it’s important that schools have a particular focus on LGBT pupils’ mental health and wellbeing, and the role governors can play in ensuring this happens.  In the context of the Coronavirus pandemic, schools and colleges have had to find new ways of…

What do wellbeing governors do and what experience do you need? 

Link governors for wellbeing – or wellbeing governors – are the dedicated point of contact on a school governing board about mental health and wellbeing provision.   While it’s not a statutory role, many schools recognise the importance of having link governors for wellbeing,…

Governors for Schools launches Wellbeing Governors 

It’s hard to imagine a time when mental health and wellbeing has been more important in schools.   This September, we’re launching a year-long campaign to showcase the importance of having link governors for wellbeing on every school board. Now more than ever, schools need a dedicated…

How will increased remote working affect the future of school governance?

At the height of the coronavirus pandemic in April, 46.6% of adults in employment in the UK were doing some work from home. This figure is expected to rise in the coming years as more workplaces adapt and see the benefits that a flexible approach to the traditional 9-5 can…

Look forward, give back, and develop your professional skills

People apply to become school governors for a number of reasons – from giving back to their communities, helping provide children with opportunities they had – or didn’t have, to doing something different with their skills. Whatever people’s motivations, a desire to help and a passion for education are always…

Look forward, give back, see the power of community

Has Coronavirus shifted our gaze outwards – and what does this mean for volunteering? When coronavirus became the focus of our lives back in March, everything changed on an almost daily basis. Schools in particular, along with other frontline services, were stretched to the limit. As a charity that…

Look forward, give back, support mental health in schools   

You don’t need to be a mental health professional to make mental health a priority in schools.   The effects of lockdown on both children and school staff aren’t fully known, but we do know that when all children return to school, supporting their mental health after…

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